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Auction Time: April 20, 2024 / 03:28 AM PDT
Auction 50746
Auction #50746
New Era Loft




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Currently: $60.00   First bid: $50.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 1
Seller (rating): NEL (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 12/07/2014 / 10:00 AM PDT  
Auction End: 12/21/2014 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Major Loft Reduction - In order to devote the necessary time to some family-related matters that are a priority for me right now, I am going to drastically cut back on birds and seriously limit my involvement in the sport for the next year or so. This is not a total sell-out, but it is a major loft reduction. I only plan to keep a small number of pairs, so I am offering some very nice [2014] young birds and a number of my breeders. The young birds are mainly May hatches that I had intended to keep as replacements for some of the older stock birds. These are birds that I would, otherwise, have had no intention of selling. To help move them out quickly, I am starting them at, what I think is, a very fair opening price. This is a great opportunity to obtain some quality birds from top bloodlines.


AU-14-ARPU-17550 DC H - Straight Janssen. Bred specifically for stock from proven winning lines; she is line bred to Alex Bieche’s BOLD RULER combined with the very best of the famous Janssens of Marcel Sangers, Holland. This hen should make a great cross, particularly with the Van Loons or with just about any other inbred line. She is a little above medium in size with a great body. See attached copies of sire’s and dam’s pedigrees.
Sire:        AU-07-BIECHE-7034 - His sire is BIECHE-6402, straight Marcel Sangers’ Janssen from a son of SUPER BREEDER x APACHES (sister of APACHE, winner of 94 prizes) and his dam is inbred to BOLD RULER (from BOLD RULER back to his double gr.dtr.)
Dam:      AU-03-BIECHE-3319 - She is a straight Janssen and a proven producer. Her sire is a son of Marcel Sangers’ ARROW, winner of 6 x 1st, when mated to a daughter of TOP GUN, #1 Ace Pigeon of Holland. Her dam is a daughter of Alex Bieche’s famous breeder BOLD RULER, the sire, gr. sire and gr. gr. sire of hundreds of winners and top producers. Although most of her children have been stocked, 3319 is the dam and grand dam of some excellent flyers which include: 49987 who was flown in the 2004 Vegas Connection Races and placed 83rd at 150 miles (smash), equal 1st (on the drop) at 200 miles, equal 1st (on the drop) at 300 miles, finishing 18th in average speed against an original entry of over 600 birds; and 49998 who won 69th vs. 2206 birds, 11th vs. 604 birds, 76th vs. 769 birds and 115th vs. 1654 birds, 27th @ 100 mi. vs. 1000 birds, 116th @ 150 mi. vs. 2040 birds and 183rd @ 200 mi. vs. 2114 birds as a yearling and 2 year old.


Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
pigeongoon $50.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 12/21/2014 05:07 PM

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