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Auction Time: April 23, 2024 / 08:20 PM PDT
Auction 52062
Auction #52062




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Currently: $75.00   First bid: $65.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 1
Seller (rating): kodiak (0)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 02/20/2015 / 04:31 PM PDT  
Auction End: 03/08/2015 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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*******Cock AU-10-13948-AHPI, HAS Flown 34 RACES and APPROX. 7,400 MILES PROVING HES HAS THE INTELLIGENCE, STAMINA AND BRUTE STRENGTH TO RETURN HOME TIME AND TIME AGAIN. *************** (NOTE: A FULL SIBLING, HEN AU-13956-AHPI WAS SOLD AT AUCTION LAST WEEK AND A NEST MATE, AU-13949-AHPI [RACING COCK] WILL BE OFFERED THIS WEEK.) ************* DURING 13948's RACING CAREER HE WON THE FOLLOWING: 4TH AT 225 MILES VS 321 PIGEONS AND 12 LOFTS, SLC (2013); 6TH @141/121/5, CAMP (2011); 4TH @225/142/4, CAMP (2013); 25TH @179/22/4, CAMP (2013); 13TH @246/142/5, CAMP (2013); 19TH @246/266/13, CAMP (2013); 33RD @246/304/12, SLC (2013); 87TH @246 MILES/649BIRDS/29LOFTS, Inland Empire Concourse (2013). ************** Considering 13948'S longevity as a racer and his race record, he would make a very good breeder and a great addition to your loft. He is medium-large in size with a good balance, a good wing, excellent muscle and a one-pen tail. His sire is 100% Janssen while the dam is a Jasnsen x Bandit x HVR mix. As quoted from the sire’s pedigree, he is down from “SUPER CRACK OLYMPIA 699 (1ST Mid dist. and all dist. ACE HOLLAND…. Won every racing ACE HONOR possible. One-in-a-million racer/breeder. May be the best racing pigeon in history!” On the Dam’s side she is down from De Keiser “Leo Van Rijin’s great champion that was 3x1st Fed vs 20,000+ birds! Sire and grand sire to winners in Europe and North America. Lines of the Oude Merckx.” ************************* The race records for 13948 are documented in the American Racing Pigeon Union, National Data Base under the Camas Prairie Racing Pigeon Club (CAMP), the State Line Combine (SLC) , or the Inland Empire Concourse (IEC) for the respective years and races. *****. You most likely will not see racing pigeons of this quality with a documented race record. ************ I offer my pigeons at auction only because I have to quit the “Great Sport of Pigeon Racing”. If I could still race I would never sell this pigeon. My loss is your gain. *****************************************************************************Good luck in bidding and my you enjoy the great sport of pigeon racing, as I did. ***************************************************************** (Please note the TOP PORTRAIT, PICTURE IS THE BLUE BAR 13948. It was taken with a phone camera in Sept. when he was in full molt. He is all feathered out now and looks great. For a comparison, I attached a photos of his nest mates, BLUE BAR HEN 13956 (middle picture) and BLUE CHECK COCK 13949 (bottom picture), photos were taken Feb. 16, 2015.)


Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
Dogwood $65.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 03/08/2015 05:59 PM

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