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Auction Time: April 25, 2024 / 06:02 PM PDT
Auction 57894
Auction #57894




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Currently: $2,025.00   First bid: $100.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $25.00
    # of Bids: 6
Seller (rating): bluebandit (4)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 08/29/2016 / 09:38 AM PDT  
Auction End: 09/01/2016 / 01:44 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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Fantastic cock with great breeding potential

Half brother to the Million Dollar race winner ‘Konstantin’

Direct son of Foundation Breeder "994"!!

This bird has filled all his eggs this year! He is only up for sale because I am selling out and leaving the sport. There are no more like him! He is bred closely to the best winning lines of Alfons Klaas! He has bred top birds and great breeders for others before coming into the United States!
- - x- - x- x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x- - x-

======================================================================= ‘Adler’ has bred various stock birds that were sold and have bred winners. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Father to TRPF-14-24157

17. local / 47. Fed. Colesburg 580 km - 1,831 birds

Father to TRPF-14-4120

23. local / 67. Fed. Cradock 700 km - 1,054 birds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half brother (same father) to ‘Konstantin’

1. final SA Million Dollar race 2007

‘Konstantin’ is mother and grandmother to various club and organization winners

Hot Spot Average winner SAPIR One Loft Race Race 2014 ZA13-59288 ( ‘Konstantin’) Winner Sapir One Loft Race 2013 ZA-SAPIR12-0343 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)
3. club Jamestown 580 km - 314 birds TRPF-11-26046 (child ‘Konstantin’)
3. Challenge race SAPIR One Loft Race Result 2014 ZA13-58749 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)

1. local / 1. Fed. Beauford West 850 km - 1,688 birds TRPF-12-25616 (‘Konstantin’) 1. local / 1. Union 512 km - 1,475 birds GPU-13-08698 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)
1. local / 1. Union Hanover 640 km - 1,028 birds TRPF-10-15746 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)
1. local / 2. Fed. Betlehem 220 km - 3,051 birds TRPF-09-4364 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)

1. Division / 2. Union Victoria West 750 km - 1,454 birds TRPF-11-21476 (g.c. ‘Konstantin’) 1. Division / 3. Fed. Cradoch 700 km - 1,483 birds TRPF-10-27400 (g.c. ‘Konstantin’)
1. local 210 birds / 5. Fed. Jamestown 600 km - 2,156 birds TRPF-08-1691 (gc ‘Konstantin’) 1. local 271 birds / 5. Richmond 700 km - 2,119 birds TRPF-12-25618 ( ‘Konstantin’) 1. local 260 birds / 4. Fed. Colesberg 580 km - 1,814 birds TRPF-09-4372 (g.c ‘Konstantin’) 1. local 169 birds / 12. Trompsburg 80 km - 1,301 birds GPU-12-11123 (g.c. ‘Konstantin’) 2. best bird Union 2015 GPU-13-13056 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)

2. local / 3. Fed. Ladybrand 330 km - 2,831 birds TRPF-10-15745 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)
2. local / 3. Fed. Cradock 700 km - 1,450 birds TRPF-08-1690 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)
2. local / 4. Union 640 km - 1,467 birds GPU-13-13056 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)
2. local / 7. Fed. Jamestown YL Nat. 600 km - 2,357 birds TRPF-09-19531 (g.c ‘Konstantin’) 2. local / 8. Fed. Betlehem 220 km - 2,409 birds TRPF-09-4364 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)

2. local / 8. Fed. Colesberg Open 580 km - 1,678 birds TRPF-13-24096 (g.child ‘Konstantin’) 2. local / 10. Union Middelburg 660 km GPU-16959-12 at Hannis Marees (gg.c. ‘Konstantin’) 2. local Bloemfontein 380 km - 298 birds TRPF-09-4371 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)
2. local 221 birds / 13. Leeuw G. 950 km - 1,192 birds TRPF-09-19531 (g.c ‘Konstantin’)

2. local / 24. Union Colesberg 580 km - 1,696 birds TRPF-11-26233 (g.child ‘Konstantin’) 3. local / 3. Fed. Three Sisters 790 km - 1,520 birds TRPF-08-17640 (g.child ‘Konstantin’) 3. local / 4. Fed. Trompsburg 480 km - 2,445 birds TRPF-13-14230 (g.child ‘Konstantin’) 3. local / 10. Fed. Cradock 700 km - 1,450 birds TRPF-10-22178 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)

3. local / 10. Fed. Cradock 700 km - 1,221 birds TRPF-09-17488 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)
3. club / 11. Fed. Cookhouse 760 km - 1,220 birds TRPF-14-16355 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’) 3. local / 39. Fed. Bloemfontein 380 km - 2,630 birds TRPF-13-14230 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)
4. local / 5. Fed. Cradock 700 km - 2,955 birds TRPF-12-25628 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’)
4. local / 7. Fed. Dewetsdorf 400 km - 2,435 birds TRPF-12-25628 (g.g.child ‘Konstantin’) 10. best bird in Fed. TRPF-09-4364 (g.child ‘Konstantin’)


H.sister to breeder of ‘Goodasgold’

7. prize Hot Spot 2 Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race 2011

- Grandmother ‘382/13’

1. acebird youngsters RV 2013

Half sister to breeder of ‘Gallopin Garbage’

1. prize Final Derby Arona 2013 - 300 km over the sea


- AMAZING COCK FROM THE KLAAS TOP PAIRING ‘SON DER SCHECK’ X ‘MONA LISA’ Bred from ‘Father Konstantin’, direct son to ‘Der Scheck’

1. ace cock RV 1999 winning 12 prize cards from 13 races

1. ace cock FG 1999 winning 12 prize cards from 13 races - Bloodlines of supreme OLR performers
1. prize final race Sun City Million Dollar pigeon race 2007 1. prize Final Derby Arona 2013 - 300 km over the sea

1. prize final race Sun City Million Dollar pigeon race 2011

1. acebird World Ace Challenge 2010

Bred from ‘Mona Lisa’, full sister to breeder of

1. prov. Reg-V. winner 25,000 birds 

Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
wrixey $2,000.00 1 09/01/2016 01:44 PM

Bid on this item

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