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Auction Time: April 19, 2024 / 09:37 PM PDT
Auction 59369
16 Captain 20740 black male flew all 5 races of the series
Auction #59369
Taylor Atkins Fund Raiser




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Currently: $50.00   First bid: $50.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $25.00
    # of Bids: 0
Seller (rating): goody (12)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 12/01/2016 / 02:52 PM PDT  
Auction End: 12/04/2016 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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 16 Captain 20740 black male flew all 5 races of the series. Donated by Captain Chuck as he loves to be called.

you are buying road tested pigeons which do not come with pedigrees but i can tell you that Captain Chucks breeders came mainly from Crazy Al and his Blacks and Whites are down from his Dennis Kuhn breeders.

Best Placings

147th at 270 miles

96th at 300 miles

99th at 350 miles

It is an honor to donate to this very special young lady, Taylor Atkins, with whom I learned about through Mr. Stewart Harvard, a friend in the pigeon sport and one of the Top Dog trainers in the USA !  Not to mention a fine Gentleman to boot. Seems the Atkins Family and Stewart are pretty good friends. Taylor's Story is really special and I have posted a small piece of it below. We will have a few birds or items listed each week up until April to help this wonderful young Lady out a bit with her exspenses for her trip so please feel free to pitch in if you feel the urge to support Taylor's mission. you may post a bird or two on your own by just placing it under her catagory.  Please don't worry about the price your bird will bring because any donation , small or large adds up. This year is even more special because she would like her father to go with her!!! What a special memory that would be for the both of them!


The Lord has already been exceedingly gracious in providing me a way to go to Israel last summer and He is blessing me again with another opportunity to go this summer. I will be traveling back to Israel June 24 to July 5. Last year, I was able to be baptized in the Jordan River where John the Baptist baptized Jesus, I got the humbling honor to walk the path Jesus took to the cross and I also had the chance to serve the local church by building and painting their children’s wing and the areas that they plan on expanding to. There's just something special about walking where Jesus walked. I don’t think I'll ever get enough of it. It's humbling and surreal. I would so appreciate any prayers as I take another step of faith in going back over seas. 

Please pray:
·      God will open doors of opportunity for me to share the gospel and be an encouragement and light to those I encounter
·      God will protect me from any potential danger that I might face being in Israel
·      God will enable me to show his love to every person I come in contact with

Visiting the Holy land where Jesus walked is extremely priceless. An opportunity that I never thought would come around a second time.


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