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Auction Time: April 18, 2024 / 10:08 PM PDT
Auction 60551
Straight Sion, IF-16-PEER-906 Red C
Auction #60551




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Currently: $110.00   First bid: $100.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 1
Seller (rating): NEL (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 02/20/2017 / 08:07 AM PDT  
Auction End: 02/26/2017 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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I am posting these birds for a friend, Harvey Peer, of New Jersey. Harvey maintains a family of the old [Paul] Sions. He has several extra Sion cocks and asked me if I would be willing to help out by listing them for him. These are all straight Sions (which are getting more and more difficult to find anymore) and, in my opinion, are outstanding birds. Harvey has maintained this family for about 60 years (since 1955, I believe) and has kept them straight through line breeding and inbreeding. This Sion family (which, after this many years of breeding by Harvey should probably be referred to as “Peer Sions”) is founded on the original PAUL SIONS and is primarily based on the old Landing View Loft “Black Eyed Sion” lines. (It’s interesting to see that a majority of Harvey’s Sions have the dark mahogany / chestnut / wine colored eyes which, I’ve been told, were so characteristic of the old Landing View birds). In developing this family over the years, Harvey added several Charles Heitzman Sions and he has also blended in a few select Sions from the Madrona Lofts lines of the late John Garzoli (via Skylake Loft). As far as their structure, in my opinion, they are light / buoyant birds with good backs and strong vents; and are pretty uniform in size…..generally in the medium size range with some of them being, what I consider as, a little below medium. The colors of the birds are, again, typical of the old Sions including brick reds, red checks, blue bars, blue checks, black velvets, dark checks and some silvers (Gris). As you can see from the photos, they really are good looking birds and are typical of the Sion strain. This is a true closely line bred and inbred family and they should make a great cross with most other strains. The photos are exactly as the birds appear with no touch ups. Unfortunately, this is as much information as I can provide. Again, I am posting these birds for Harvey and any questions or requests for additional information can be directed to him at 973-575-1656.

 IF-16-PEER-906 Red C - This is a VERY nice young cock. I consider him to be about medium in size with good back and vents. As you can see from the photo, he is a great looking bird. Please see the attached pedigree.

Please contact Harvey at (973) 575-1656 if you have any questions or want additional information about these Sions.


Current High Bidders

Bidder Bid # Date / Time
waldemarp $100.00 Bidder uses Auto-Bidder to increase bid 1 02/26/2017 05:53 PM

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