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Auction Time: April 25, 2024 / 07:37 AM PDT
Auction 60565
Straight Van Loon AU-16-ARPU-7225 Dk Ch C from AU-04-ADL-1583, direct from America's Dream Loft
Auction #60565
New Era Loft




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Currently: $150.00   First bid: $150.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 0
Seller (rating): NEL (1)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 02/20/2017 / 08:08 AM PDT  
Auction End: 02/26/2017 / 06:00 PM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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I am offering several very special Van Loons for sale. They were selected and set aside for stock from some of the best of the “old” Van Loon bloodlines. In almost each case, the sire is one of my old, original Van Loons direct from ADL (America’s Dream Loft). Most of these cocks are now 10 or more years old so there won’t be many more opportunities to obtain birds from them. This past year, I paired the old cocks up with some younger straight Van Loon hens and was fortunate enough to raise a number of excellent youngsters from each. Although opinions of birds can vary from person to person, I have done my best to accurately describe each bird as I see it. The photos are accurate, with no touch ups. A couple of the birds are late hatches and are noted as such. I honestly think that these youngsters are some of the nicest that I have bred from the old cocks. They have great structure with strong vents and backs….and their eyes are wonderful, with rich color and full circles. Each bird will come with a copy of the parents’ pedigrees. These Van Loons are a line bred / inbred family so, if you want to add a true family to your loft, or just need a bird or two to use as a cross, take a close look at these.

 AU-16-ARPU-7225 Dk Ch C - This was a 2016 late [July] hatch and, as you can see from the photo, hasn't gone through a complete moult. However, he should be fine for breeding this year. He was bred for stock and is from some of the very best Van Loon lines. He is on the larger side, is a strong bird, with a "V" shape body and broad chest. He is a little deeper keeled bird and NOT shallow keeled. Great pearl eyes. He is really nice now but should be outstanding once he finishes maturing. 

Sire: AU-04-ADL-1583 - Bred by America's Dream Loft from some of the very best. (see attached pedigree)

Dam: AU-07-AHPI-452 - Bred by Randy Goodpasture, World Of Wings, from two direct ADL Van Loons. 452 is a proven breeder and dam of winners. (see attached pedigree)


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