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Auction Time: April 24, 2024 / 08:36 PM PDT
Auction 60884
AU-2016-JEDDS-337 Pencil Cock - FOUNDATION STAF VAN REET - Bred by Greg McKnight
Auction #60884
Graham Byrum Loft




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Currently: $360.00   First bid: $250.00
Quantity: 1   Bid Increment: $10.00
    # of Bids: 3
Seller (rating): grahambyrum (2)   Auction Status: CLOSED
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Auction Start: 03/27/2017 / 07:39 AM PDT  
Auction End: 04/02/2017 / 07:20 AM PDT  
  Shipping Cost: $55.00


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AU-2016-JEDDS-337 Pencil Cock is a foundation quality cock from the best Staf Van Reet line in the world!! #337 is medium sized, long cast, tight vents, a one-pin tail, very bouyant, soft feathers, a very nice wing with a step to the primaries and long outer flights that reach way out!! You can see the picture of his beautiful orange breeding eye attached. 

What I like best about #337 is his temperament and intelligence. He quickly became the top cock in my loft when I received him. He protects his territory and learned fast where that is. He isn't over dominant and I think that's a trait of intelligent pigeons. He keeps his eye on you when you're in the loft and has been very gentle when approached. I bought him a month ago to cross into my Sure Bet family to help speed them up a bit. I quickly floated eggs and was going to sale him as I don't keep prisoners in my small loft. I actually listed him and then removed him to pair him with another hen who's mate was hit by a hawk. It didn't take long and now I have 2 small youngsters and 2 fertile eggs floated. I've decided to go ahead and sell him now so the new owner can raise youngsters with him this breeding season. He has been vaccinated for PMV and Salmonella and is ready to breed!! 

#337 is Line-bred to the Champion Red Danial and is from proven parents!!

SIRE: Bossman - Winner of 7x 1st, 6 x 2nd, 5 x 3rd!! You can see him on by copying and pasting this link:

DAM: Miss Encore - Winner Across the English Channel!!

If you have questions, please email me at:


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